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The Pussycat’s Adventure

Englische Gute-Nacht-Geschichte / Lerngeschichte frei nach dem Kinderlied Pussycat Pussycat

Hier kostenlos anhören: Ein Auszug aus der englischen Gute Nacht-Geschichte / Lerngeschichte The Pussycat’s Adventure, basierend auf unserer Fassung des englischen Kinderliedes Pussycat Pussycat. Hier können Sie in alle Geschichten hineinhören (gelesen vom englischen Musiker & Songschreiber Peter Bradbury). Zu jeder Geschichte gibt es den englischen Text mit deutscher Übersetzung und jede Geschichte steht einzeln zum Download bereit (MP3 + PDF englisch/deutsch). Alle 20 Geschichten gibt es auch im günstigen Sammeldownload.

Alle Lerngeschichten (basierend auf englischen Kinderliedern)

Lerngeschichte zu Pussycat Pussycat

(Geschichte 11 von 20, ausführliches Hörbeispiel)

Englischer Text:

Pussycat, Pussycat

The Pussycat’s Adventure

There were mice in the kitchen, mice in the hall, mice in the attic and even in the Queen’s breakfast bowl. The palace cats were so fat and lazy that the mice just stuck their tongues out at them and made cheeky noises. The mice were not frightened of them at all. The Queen’s servants and maids were forever trying to shoo the mice away. They used brooms to sweep them away, clapped their hands and made loud noises but no matter what they tried the mice just took no notice at all.

The Queen became very annoyed at the mice, especially those that were in her porridge so she sent a message out to all the corners of the land:


Now in the countryside far, far away lived a pussycat who was very, very good at frightening mice. When he heard about the Queen’s mouse problem he put his toothbrush and his best boots into a suitcase and set off to help her. The pussycat travelled for many days and when he arrived he said to the Queen: “I have come to chase the mice out of your palace.”

The Queen was very excited and really looked forward to eating her breakfast without mice in her bowl.

Straight away pussycat started to chase the mice. He chased them out of the kitchen, out of the hall, and out of the attic. He chased them under the chairs, under the Queen’s throne, under the table and even out of the porridge. He chased them right out of the palace. The Queen was so thankful that she gave him a present, a big bag of gold.

Pussycat was away from home for ages and ages and when he returned home he was a very rich cat and everyone in the countryside where he lived all asked the same question: “Pussycat, pussycat where have you been?”

Pussycat, pussycat
Where have you been?
I’ve been to London
To visit the Queen

Pussycat, pussycat
What did you there?
I frightened a little mouse
Under her chair

Pussycat was very tired after telling everyone the story about where he had been and about his adventure. So when all his neighbours had gone home he curled up by the fire, covered himself with his blanket, closed his eyes and ...purrrrr, purrrrr, purrrr, went to sleep.

Pussycat, pussycat
Where have you been?
I’ve been to London
To visit the Queen

Pussycat, pussycat
What did you there?
I frightened a little mouse
Under her chair

© 2015, written by Trevor Dobson

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